Adaptive and innovative Radiation Treatment FOR improving Cancer patients treatment outcomE
Adaptive and innovative Radiation Treatment FOR improving Cancer patients’ treatment outcome Concept The aim of the project is to improve treatment outcome more specifically in advanced head and neck and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients by: Improving the therapeutic ratio … [Read More...]
ARTFORCE is a consortium of top clinical centers and SME’s in Europe aiming at improving outcome and reducing clinical and economical burden of treatments in non-small cell lung and advances head and neck cancer. Head and neck cancer: Concomitant chemoradiation is the standard of care for head and neck cancer. It is the aim of the consortium to improve the outcome for patients suffering from stage III/IV head and neck cancer by: predictive rather than prognostic pretreatment … [Read More...]
ESTRO Was established in 1980 as an international not for profit professional society with scientific aims. ESTRO has more than 5000 individual members worldwide and an important number of company members. ESTRO’s mission is to foster radiation oncology in all its aspects. The society therefore aims to develop the standard of radiation oncology, radiation physics, radiation technology and radiobiology in Europe, to promote international exchange of scientific … [Read More...]
Summary The ARTFORCE project succeeded by introducing very sophisticated imaging and radiotherapy tools into daily clinical practice to improve treatment outcome of patients with advanced Head & Neck and Lung tumours. Within interlinked projects treatment-specific tumour response predictors were developed for selection of the optimal treatment regimen for the combination of drugs and irradiation. CLICK HERE TO READ FULL REPORT … [Read More...]